Software For Centralized Energy Management

Welcome to Fusebox! We provide energy companies with our Virtual Power Plant (VPP) and advanced Energy Management Software (EMS) solutions, giving you a competitive edge in energy management
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Trusted by companies around the world

Our software functionalities


Day-ahead & intraday trading

Efficiently manage assets as per your energy market commitments, while maintaining a real-time portfolio overview. Seize opportunities from hourly price variations.


Flexible assets to ancillary markets

Use our fully automated software to provide advanced demand response services to your clients. We’ll assist you in establishing connections to TSO ancillary services for trading, dispatch, and reporting.



Maintain a real-time overview of production and consumption, dispatch controllable assets to minimize energy imbalances, and reduce costs for purchasing balancing energy.


Energy storage management

Use our energy storage management features for lucrative energy arbitrage, ancillary services (FCR, aFRR, mFRR), or simply cover local consumption. Fusebox software automates collaboration among local production and consumption assets, while staying within grid connection capacity.


Customer integration

No need to stress about connections! Our software easily teams up with all your other tools. Whether it’s a Trading Desk, ERP, CRM, Accounting software, or Mailing platform – if they use modern APIs like a champ, we’re in sync!


Explore new revenue streams

Attract new clients, enhance customer retention rates, and leave competitors in the dust by offering new services, creative ways to share earnings, and flexible ways to calculate extra value. Create value through PV curtailment during negative prices, offer ancillary services, managing energy storage, load covering, energy arbitrage and much more.

Software for all electricity stakeholders

Choose the sector you are most interested in.

Energy retailers

Optimize profitability and reduce CO2 emissions with our comprehensive SaaS solution, specially designed for energy service providers.

Asset aggregators

Increase retention with our smart SaaS software, offering flexible services that generate revenue, reduce CO2 emissions, and provide consumption insights.

Asset owners

Optimize flexible consumption of electrical assets with our software to generate revenue, lower energy bills, and reduce CO2 emissions.

Original Equipment Manufacturers

Imagine if your electrical products not only reduce CO2 emissions, but also generate revenue from the energy market. Fusebox’s software makes this a reality, helping you stand out and offer an innovative solution.

Fusebox in 2023

signals sent out
mFRR delivered
of CO2 emissions reduced
Active in

Are you convinced?

Want to know more about flexible energy management? Contact us and we will help you unlock your energy potential.

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Our mission

Our mission is to enable a sustainable and affordable energy transition by turning conventional electrical appliances into virtual batteries. This new and highly controllable dimension makes the electricity system more robust and less dependent on polluting peaker power plants. The outcome is a cleaner future with lower energy prices and higher energy security.