Free webinar:

VPP revenue strategies for power utilities

28.09.2023, 11:00 – 12:00 GMT+2

The energy sector is rapidly evolving, presenting both challenges and opportunities for power utilities. Solutions like Virtual Power Plants (VPP) are revolutionizing the way utilities generate, distribute, and manage electricity. Join us for valuable insights where we showcase different VPP business cases that utilities can use to leave competitors in the dust.


Join our speaker:

  • Aleksandr Sepp (Head of Strategic Partnership, Fusebox)

    Webinar details

    Energy flexibility and Virtual Power Plant (VPP) services present a significant opportunity for power utilities to reduce costs, create new revenue streams, integrate additional renewables, and distinguish themselves by providing innovative client services.

    Join our webinar where we’ll showcase real-life, practical business cases demonstrating how power utilities can harness the full potential of energy flexibility and VPP. Leading this session is Aleksandr Sepp from Fusebox.

    Fusebox is a software company with more than 9 years of experience in the flexibility market. We provide both Virtual Power Plant (VPP) and Energy Management System (EMS) services to major power utilities across Europe. In 2022, our services were activated over 2 million times, showcasing our strong presence in the industry. Fusebox is supported by Norway Grants through the Green ICT project.



    • 28th of September 2023
    • 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (GMT+2)



    • Using a VPP to reduce costs
    • Using a VPP to create new revenue streams
    • Using a VPP to integrate additional renewables
    • Using a VPP to provide innovative new services to end consumers.


    Aleksandr Sepp

    Head of Strategic Partnership

    As an educated engineer Aleksandr “Sass” Sepp soon found his career in sales, building new teams and directing new markets in the construction and building sector for 12 years in different European markets. ​

    Norway Grants „Green ICT“ program

    This project aims to reduce energy sector carbon intensity while increasing the energy system’s efficiency.

    Project name: Demand response combination with energy storage systems for Denmark

    Project number: 2014-2021.1.02.22-0204

    Implementation period: 01.02.2023-30.04.2024

    Amount of support: 149 019,49 €

    The project is co-funded by Norway Grants Green ICT programme

    Project aim: To introduce Fusebox SaaS platform for energy market operations in Danish market through a pilot, to unlock their flexibility and lower/postpone energy consumption to balance the grid. By utilizing energy storage and client demand flexibility the project aims to reduce energy sector carbon intensity while increasing the efficiency of the grid

    Projected outcome: Fusebox’s SaaS software will be installed on the Partner’s system, which will support battery management in the Danish market. The SaaS platform will be localized, integrations (P2P) will be developed, and access to the Tenant will be provided.

    More information